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Attention if you cannot cross your legs!

But if the complaints are not alleviated, if they affect the daily life, restrict the movements of the patients and prevents them from crossing their legs, surgical intervention may be needed. Hip arthroscopy is applied in the patients within the young age group. In this method, the hip is entered via a 3-4 cm hole and the shape deformities are shaved or the ruptures are stitched together via a high technology accompanied with a camera.

Osteoarthritis threatens the middle age group

Cases of osteoarthritis and joint abrasion are generally seen in the middle aged persons. While the pain occurs within a couple of steps in case of osteoarthritis, it can be alleviated after a little heating. On the other hand, the hitching, pain which reaches the pelvis or even a serious movement disability in the legs can be consistent. In this case, weight loss, abstaining from the heavy activities and physical therapy may be beneficial. Besides, the injection of some lubricant liquids inside the hip joint decreases the level of pain if the osteoarthritis in not in an advanced level.

Hip replacement for the ones with advanced osteoarthritis

 If the level of osteoarthritis is so high, hip replacement is applied. In this operation, the degenerated parts are taken off and the prosthesis that is made of metal, a durable plastic called as polyethylene and ceramic is put instead. In this way, the painless movement is regained.

It may be confused with the pains of herniated disc

The pains of hip and herniated disc may be confused with each other. I some cases, the problems of hip and low back may be together. In these cases, a local anaesthetic infection is made inside the hip joint to detect where the pain is coming from. In this way, the hip joint pain is stopped for 4 hours and it is understood whether the pain is from the low back or the hip. The most significant problem in these cases is a false detection of the pain and application of the wrong surgical method. The low back pains are generally seen in the area of bottom and as a pain which starts from the back of hip towards the back of the leg to the heel. Complaints of the investigations of this kind of patients should be listened and evaluated carefully.

Caution if the pain does not alleviate!

In order to make a diagnosis of hip pain, an x-ray or if a potential of rupture exists, MR screening is needed. Not every pain necessitates consulting a doctor. It is needed to take painkillers, take some rest and wait for the alleviation of pain, but if the pain does not alleviate, then consultation to a doctor is needed.

6 recommendations to be prevented against hip pains

Although most of these pains are of genetic structure, there are some recommendations for being protected from or getting rid of hip pain:

  1. Not to gain weight to decrease the pains
  2. Not to smoke to protect bone health
  3. To walk regularly
  4. To have a balanced diet
  5. To be under sun for 20 minutes to have vitamin D
  6. To take enough calcium according to the age

Prepared by the Medical Editorial Board. Our health library contents have been prepared for informational purposes only and with the scientific content on the registration date. For all your questions, concerns, diagnosis or treatment about your health, please consult your doctor or health institution.


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