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What Is Brain Embolism? Treatment Process And Methods

Brain is accepted as one of the most vital organs in human body. Human brain serves as the command center of the neural system. Brain is the initiator of the body movements and controller of behavior. A blood clot in brain can disturb these functions.

Stroke can happen as a result of the blockage or bleeding in the vessels which nourishes brain. One of the main reasons of the blood vessel blockages in brain is blood clot. These blood clots may cause partial or complete paralysis, speech disorders, being unable to move, that is, paralysis, and not feeling a part of your body. Besides, some other symptoms may occur according to the area of the brain which is affected. Memorial Şişli Hospital Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department Chair Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar has made significant recommendations about brain embolism, treatment process and methods.

What is blood clot in brain?

Blood clots are blood cell groups which resemble gel. Blood clots are effective especially regarding the cease of bleeding in the wounded blood vessels and they are beneficial for this reason. On the other hand, if blood clots have formed in some critic places like brain, lungs or legs and if they do not decompose naturally, medical intervention may be needed.

The location of blood clot determines the severity of symptoms. When a blood clot occurs in a blood vessel which nourishes the brain, the brain tissue is prevented from takin oxygen and nutrition. Stroke occurs when the blood flow into a part of the brain is cut or decreased.

What are the symptoms of blood clot in brain?

An urgent medical support should be taken if brain embolism occurs, so it is quite important to know the symptoms of brain embolism. The symptoms of blood clot in brain are:

Blurred or double vision: Blurred vision is among the early symptoms of brain paralysis. Double vision can also be seen.

Difficulty in speech: It is among the common symptoms of brain paralysis. The patient with stroke may experience problems in communication or speech.
Numbness in face: This can be a symptom of brain paralysis. If you have this symptom, you need to consult a specialist doctor urgently.

Partial paralysis: The blood clots in brain may a one-sided partial paralysis in the body of patient. The paralysis affects the limbs in general and sometimes it can affect one side of the face.

Difficulty in walking: Blood clots in brain may cause decrease or loss in arm and leg mobility or distortion of balance and coordination. Besides, there may be also sudden episodes of dizziness. These situations cause difficulty in walking.

Headache: A sudden, severe headache which may be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness or clouding of consciousness may be a messenger of brain embolism. 

Treatment of Brain Embolism

It is important to intervene in the stroke which may occur as a result of brain embolism is vital. The treatment methods aim to rescue the patients and prevent a permanent paralysis.

If the blood flow is ensured by eliminating the blood clot, the disease may be overcome more easily. Application of anti-clot drugs, named as thrombolytic treatment, is so beneficial after the formation of the first blood clot and stroke until 4-5 hours later.

Another treatment option which can be used against brain embolism is mechanical blood clot taking process. In the persons who missed the treatment of clot-eliminating medication or with a too big blood clot, the blood clot can be taken off by entering into the vein with catheter via an interventional method.

Physical treatment can be initiated after the application of medical treatment and getting rid of the life-threatening situation.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Brain Embolism

In brain embolism, a comprehensive physical therapy and rehabilitation program must be prepared as soon as the situation of patient becomes stabile. It is also needed to initiate an intense physical therapy and rehabilitation program in the early period in order to prevent the problems like pressure wounds, joint stiffness and blood circulation and treat the functional losses.

 Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation methods after Brain Embolism may be classified as:

  • If there is no mobility in arm and leg after brain embolism, the passive joint motion exercises must be performed firstly. These exercises and the correct positioning of the patient may prevent many problems.
  • More active exercises are performed as the arm and leg mobility becomes flexible in time with the help of exercises.
  • The patient is brought to the sitting position as soon as possible and it is aimed to develop the body control.
  • Exercises to stand afoot and walking are initiated as the muscle strength and body control increases with exercises.
  • If and balance disorder has occurred, some balance enhancement exercises may be made.
  • Robotic rehabilitation devices are benefited since the earliest periods of the physical therapy. Robotic bed to make the patient stand upright and perform the passive walking movements, hand-arm robot to develop the gestural functions, walking robot and anti-gravity treadmill can be used to enhance the relearning of the walking in brain.
  • Besides, the applications of respiratory physiotherapy, speech and swallowing therapy should be performed according to the needs of the patient.  


Prepared by the Medical Editorial Board. Our health library contents have been prepared for informational purposes only and with the scientific content on the registration date. For all your questions, concerns, diagnosis or treatment about your health, please consult your doctor or health institution.


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