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Protect yourself from the effects of the sun that cause skin cancer

Skin cancer, its prevalence is increasing every day in our country and around the world, threatens every person from the age of 7 to 70. Exposure to sunlight, especially for a long time, is one of important causes of this cancer. Primary way to diagnose skin cancer, that has two types called melanoma and non-melanoma, is close examination of one's own body. Life-threatening melanoma may appear not only on the outer surface of the body, but also in the mouth and even in the intestine.

Skin cancer emerges after uncontrolled growth of some of the cells forming the skin. Skin cancer, that is frequently encountered and regularly increases every year, is divided into two, melanoma causing life threatening situation and non-melanoma; and treatment protocols are applied according to this. The most common type is basal cell carcinoma that is included in the non-melanoma group.

The most important reason is harmful solar rays.

The most important factors causing skin cancer are ultraviolet, in other words, solar rays. Except this;

  • Especially sunburns, which are called becoming red in childhood, and cumulative solar rays that are constantly received over the years,
  • Having fair skin, colored eyes, or freckled skin,
  • Having too many nevi on the face or body,
  • Going into the solarium,
  • Having history of skin cancer in the family, and having some genetic diseases such as Albino or Vitiligo,
  • Spending too much time under the sun,
  • Exposure to chemicals such as chronic arsenic in the inhabited geography
  • Factors such as exposure to chemicals in professions such as chimney sweeping, and hairdressing increase the risk of skin cancer.


Apply your sun cream every 4 hours.

One of the reasons for increasing prevalence of skin cancer is incorrect information about the use of sun cream. People behave untroubledly by saying "I use sun cream anyway," spend more time under the sun. But the duration of effectiveness of sun creams is up to 4 hours. For this reason, creams with protection factor with more than 30 should be reapplied every 4 hours.


Non-healing wound should arouse suspicion!

Skin cancers usually show themselves as blisters on the surface of the skin. The most commonly observed type of cancer called basal cell carcinoma starts like acne. Then this acne becomes a wound, it forms a crust and doesn't heal. If people have a fast-growing, non-healing wound or blister-like formations that they have recently observed on their bodies, non-melanoma skin cancer may be suspected.


Those who have more than 50 nevi must be careful!

While life-threatening melanoma usually manifests itself in the form of a brown or black nevus, it can also develop on present nevus very rarely. However, there is also a risk that some nevi in our body will turn into melanoma. For this reason, people should examine their bodies very carefully. Especially those who have more than 50 nevi should definitely be examined by a dermatologist and these nevi should be examined and recorded with a “Dermoscope” device. 


Melanoma can be observed in the mouth or even in the intestine

Skin cancers are most commonly seen on the head and neck that are areas mostly exposed to the sun. Melanoma leading to a life risk is most common on the leg in women, and on the back in men. But melanoma is not always related to the sun. It can emerge in the mouth, even on the mucosa and intestines independently from the sun.


Skin cancer is more common in the white race.

Skin cancer is more common in the white race, but it can also occur in black people. However, this type of cancer is more common in places such as Australia and New Zealand where are close to equatorial region and receive a lot of sun. Those who spend a lot of time under the sun, those who live by the sea, fishermen, farmers, and sailors who are constantly working under the sun due to their professions also constitute the group that this type of cancer is common.


Main treatment method is surgical operation.

Main treatment method for skin cancers is surgery. Suspicious lesion is excised and sent to pathological examination in skin cancer. This method is applicable to all skin cancers. In non-melanoma skin cancers, treatment is not required after surgery. However, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also included in the treatment planning for the patients with melanoma. In short, treatment is designated according to the person's condition, the region where the formation occurs, or the type of tumor.


Prefer colorful clothes that are tightishly woven.

The most important way to protect yourself from skin cancer is to avoid the sun. However, wearing hats and glasses, using long ultraviolet-proof swimsuits, and choosing tightishly woven cotton clothes also have a protective effect.

Prepared by the Medical Editorial Board. Our health library contents have been prepared for informational purposes only and with the scientific content on the registration date. For all your questions, concerns, diagnosis or treatment about your health, please consult your doctor or health institution.


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