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'543210' Rule Against Childhood Obesity

Adolescence and childhood obesity is a major public health issue that is increasing in incidence and prevalence all over the world. The root of the problem, however, is genetic inheritance and parental mistakes. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are all caused by poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyles in the family. With the end of adolescence, surgical options for obesity come to the fore. Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital Obesity Diagnosis and Treatment Center provided information on the dangers of childhood obesity and precautions to take before "22 May World Obesity Day."

Although childhood obesity progresses to adult obesity, it exposes children to a wide range of diseases in their later lives. Childhood obesity is a public health issue that should be addressed because it is preventable. It is critical that the mother and father's genetic structure be preserved so that their children do not succumb to the obesity epidemic; it is also critical that they do not pass on this genetic disorder to their children. The fact that children do not become obese is due to their parents' nutritional habits and lifestyle choices.

Pregnancy is critical for childhood obesity

If a mother gains more weight than is necessary during pregnancy, her child's risk of developing diabetes in the future increases fourfold. As a result, it is critical for mothers who gain more weight than necessary during pregnancy to have a diabetes diagnosis test. If this test is not performed, it is possible that the child will be born diabetic. The feeding habits of mothers prior to pregnancy have a long-term impact on the lives of their children. The 'breast milk' produced by healthy-fed mothers determines whether the baby will be obese, whether it will be exposed to infection, and its physical and brain development.

Importance of breast milk

Babies require breast milk immediately after birth, and breast milk is sufficient for a baby. During the breastfeeding process, mothers must pay attention to their children's signals. Babies say their stomachs are full, even if they don't say it with their mouths, and they sleep peacefully and happily as a result. If babies do not show that they are hungry, there is no need to feed more than necessary. Heretofore, it was assumed that the cause of diabetes in adulthood was due to nutritional mistakes made during childhood. Excessive nutrition in infancy, on the other hand, is the cause of diabetes in childhood and adulthood, as well as the associated obesity. Obesity in children under the age of five is caused by nutritional mistakes made by their parents, not by the children themselves.

Be careful if you are overweight.

Babies are consuming less breast milk in today's world as a result of mothers' early return to work. While their parents are at work, families entrust their newborn children to their grandparents. Since the belief that "chubby children are healthy" prevails in some families, grandmothers overfeed babies who have just passed on supplementary food. It is necessary to pay attention if children's arms are 'knuckled,' or if their tummy is like a pillow. Because this can pave the way for future heart attacks, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Until the age of 7, the groundwork for future problems that children will face is laid. A child who is above the 120th percentile or has a BMI of 40 by the age of seven is five times more likely to have type 2 diabetes and three times more likely to have a heart attack than a normal child. Unfortunately, children pay for the mistakes made by their parents as patients in the future.

The nutritional rule for children

Childhood nutrition is critical in the prevention of obesity. It is necessary to apply the "543210 rule" for children aged 5 and above. This rule requires at least 5 different types of vegetables and fruits, at least 4 different types of milk and dairy products, at least 3 glasses of water, at least 2 hours of activity, no more than 1 hour of television viewing, and no sugary or carbonated drinks. However, this rule should also be followed by parents. If neither parent is at a normal weight, the child should not be expected to be either.

Obesity also negatively affects psychology

Obese children's friends' ostracism is the leading cause of suicide in the United States. Being overweight or obese during adolescence causes children to be physically and psychologically unhealthy. Peer bullying and peer exclusion are caused by various physical structures, particularly during adolescence. And a fat kid is never happy. As a result, the number of children undergoing bariatric surgery, particularly those aged 13 to 16, has increased both globally and in Turkey in recent years.

Easier for minors to adhere to obesity treatment

Bariatric surgery performed between the ages of 13 and 16 is the same as that performed on adults. This age group finds it easier to adjust to the surgery and subsequent eating habits. The most important thing is that the obesity surgeon correctly informs this age group that obesity is a disease that will affect their future, as well as the treatment method for this disease. Before and after bariatric surgery, children in this group should be evaluated psychologically.

Sit at the table with the children

The behavior of parents is very important to protect children from obesity. It is essential for children to participate in team sports, which are as important as socialization and, at the very least, physics. Parents should discourage their children from engaging in sedentary activities. Mother, father and children should eat at the same table. Dining tables should be conversation tables. At the dinner table, not only food should be eaten, but also conversation should be made. Overweight parents sometimes tell their children not to "eat too much", which is wrong. Children are the miniature versions of their parents.

Prepared by the Medical Editorial Board. Our health library contents have been prepared for informational purposes only and with the scientific content on the registration date. For all your questions, concerns, diagnosis or treatment about your health, please consult your doctor or health institution.


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